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School News

This is where you'll find all the latest news about events that have happened at Wembrook Primary School.

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  • Year 6 Trip to Paris 2024

    Published 04/06/24

    Year 6 staff and pupils are on their way!

    Photos from this exciting trip can be viewed on the Year 6 Paris Gallery page.

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  • Year One Dino Day!

    Published 16/05/24



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  • Easter Bingo 2024

    Published 18/03/24

    Another great night, with over £1600 raised. Thank you.


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  • Manor Adventure 2024

    Published 15/03/24

    As we hope you can see from the photographs Year Four had a wonderful time in the Peak District, at Manor Adventure.


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  • Boo the Pony Visits

    Published 14/03/24
    Boo the pony visited school and Dragonfly Club. She was lovely.
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  • Wembrook Poppy Appeal

    Published 11/01/24

    Thank you!

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  • Year 6 Paris Trip 2023

    Published 23/05/23

    Paris Trip Photo

    Disney Land Paris

    Year 6 Paris Trip



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  • Manor Adventure 2023

    Published 28/03/23

    Photo: Staff and Children Gather for their first activity

    Photo: Staff and Children listening to important instructions.

    Photo: Fun Carting.

    Photo: Fun Fencing

    Photo: Target Range

    Photo: Fencing Together

    Photo: Fencing Challenge

    Photo: On the River

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  • Manor Adventure 2022

    Published 14/07/22

    The Year 4 Manor Adventure Experience...

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  • The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

    Published 16/05/22

    To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Friday 27th May will be a special day in school.

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  • Attendance Competition

    Published 25/04/22

    Our Great Attendance Competition is being launched today!

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