Teaching & Learning
The teacher of each class will be responsible for teaching most of the subjects of the curriculum, giving pupils and staff the opportunity for establishing close relationships. The class teachers have pastoral charge for the children in their class.
Each class will comprise children of all abilities, and there will be three classes in each year group. The teachers involved in a particular year group will form a team, working closely together, planning, teaching and evaluating the children’s work.
Our Curriculum Statement
The curriculum comprises all of a pupil's planned experiences at school. It includes a full range of learning to promote success, progress and personal development.
All children at our school are entitled to a quality education. This means an education that:-
- fully develops the academic potential of each child;
- prepares the children for their future life;
- has a curriculum that is balanced, broadly based and provides continuity through the primary years;
- develops self esteem and confidence, so the children grow as people and realise what they themselves have to offer;
- promotes genuine care and concern for all pupils and their safety in a supportive, disciplined school;
- takes place in a happy environment where quality relationships are developed - spiritual, social, moral and cultural development are valued alongside academic achievement;
- recognises that quality for one child can be different to another, but allows every child to be looked at in a positive light;
- is based on high expectations from everyone - child, parent and teacher;
- aims for staff, governors and parents to develop a shared sense of purpose, so that we are all active partners, working for the benefit of our children.
Physical Education
We aim for all children, regardless of gender, to participate in a wide variety of physical activities to promote sport for life.
Approximately 1.5 hours per week is spent on developing skills for outdoor team games, athletics or outdoor pursuits and indoor gymnastics or dance. Children in Years 3 and 4 will also receive an extra half-an-hour instruction on swimming at the Pingles Pool. At times sports coaches are used to benefit the children through their expert knowledge.
The school has a proud tradition of participating in inter-school competitions and coaching for them is voluntarily undertaken by teachers after school for boys and girls. Out of school hours, the school's facilities can be used by the community e.g. dancing classes, football teams.