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Stay Safe Online

It is really important that everyone knows how to stay safe online. Using the Internet sensibly is something that Wembrook Primary School encourages all children to do, by remembering the SMART rules and following the Click Clever, Click Safe guidance.

Here are links to some useful websites where you can learn more about being safe on the Internet.

Interland by Google

Interland Screenshot

Embark on a mission to become a fearless explorer of the online world.

Band Runner

Band Runner Screenshot

Do you know how to stay safe online?

Grid Club - Cyber Café

Cyber Cafe Screenshot

The Cybercafé within Gridclub is a safe online community where you can make choices without getting hurt. You can join in the fun at the Cybercafé by playing the game.


McGruff Screenshot

McGruff is a Crime Dog - world-famous for his advice on how to stop crime before it happens, and for his great sense of humour!

Net Smartz Kids

Net Smartz Kids Screenshot

There are also loads of activities and games here to test your knowledge on Internet safety!

Newsround – Internet Safety Quiz

Newsround Quiz – Internet Security

Test your knowledge of internet safety with this quiz from CBBC Newsround.

Safe Kids Quiz

Safe Kids Quiz Screenshot

The Online Safety Quiz is your chance to show that you know how to be a safe Internet surfer. Answer each question and, when you get it right, you'll go to the next question.

Think You Know

Think You Know Screenshot

Thinkuknow is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre.