Knowledge Organisers@Wembrook
Each half term, children will bring home a Knowledge Organiser. This document contains some of the essential knowledge that children will need to know as part of the new topic they will be studying in class. These Knowledge Organisers are designed to be used at home by parents to help children learn the information contained within. We want every pupil to be able to recall the information on these sheets off by heart by the end of the topic. It maybe that teacher will set a small section of the Knowledge Organiser to be learned by heart for homework. This knowledge will be tested at the end of the half term. Please note that children do not have to learn the exact wording of the definitions and facts included although this should be encouraged where possible. If they can put the information in their own words this is acceptable. We will also be learning the same information in class.
The best way to use the Knowledge Organiser at home is as follows;
- Children read the information from the section to be learned (possibly with an adult)
- They then try and recall the information (this can be written down or verbally)
- An adult tests them on the information
- The key to success is to repeat this regularly over the week
- It is also important to keep revising the information that has already been learned in previous weeks to keep it fresh in the memory
We are confident that these Knowledge Organisers will help our children to develop knowledge on a wide range of topics and will significantly improve their vocabulary. This, in turn, will make them more confident in class and help to develop their reading and writing skills. All knowledge organisers will be made available on the school website. If you have any further questions about this please see your class teacher.